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  • what it is:

A group of globally accessible, interlinked web pages which have a single unique domain name is called a website.

  • what it looks like
Optimus Hive Employee Monitoring image 48
  • why do you use it:

This feature uses to view all the available lists of websites in a web application that is used in an organization.

  • how you do it:
Optimus Hive Employee Monitoring websites

How to edit the website

To view the detailed data related to websites, you need to click on the Action Optimus Hive Employee Monitoring AZsOfG184w4Y+BeG6gQX7wET3QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== icon

What is each of the Field in the edit list?

  • Name The unique name for each application.
  • Preferred Name: The preferred name for each application.
  • Category: Category associated with each application
  • Subcategory: Sub-category associated with each application
  • Business Position: Preferred business position for each application
  • Interface: Application Interface
  • Data Structure: Description of the data.

Example: How to edit the Website:

Let’s say you want to edit the Website, where you want to mark the “Expect Idle Activities” checkbox checked.

Optimus Hive Employee Monitoring websitedt

How to add a new filter:

Users can access this feature by clicking on the websites tab from the dashboard.

What is each of the columns in the list?

  • Name The name of the website.
  • Category: To capture the websites associated with different categories.
  • Subcategory: To capture the websites associated with different subcategories
  • Business Position: Prioritizing the business roles associated with their business nature
  • Interface: Website main design layout.
  • Data Structure: Format of the data being collected.
Optimus Hive Employee Monitoring Websites
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