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web search site:

what it is:

The Web site search enables the users to filter their search based on key parameters.

what it looks like:

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  • Why do you use it:

The Web site search feature will demonstrate to you search the specific parameter from any search engine site. The specified search parameter enables the user to understand which specific values they are searching for.

How you do it:

 Access the dashboard by logging in, then go to the sidebar. Select “Website search” after selecting you will view the data of all the websites.

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How you can edit the web search site:

To view the detailed data related to Web Site search, you need to click on the Action Optimus Hive Employee Monitoring AZsOfG184w4Y+BeG6gQX7wET3QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== icon

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How you can delete the web search site:

To delete web site search, you need to click on the Action delete icon

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How to add the new web search site:

Let’s say, you want to add a new web search site for the “Employee” parameter in the yahoo search engine/URL “”

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How to add a new filter:

Users can access this feature by clicking on the add a filter of web search site tab.

What is each of the columns in the list?

  • Description: Brief summary/URL of the search site
  • Search Parameter: key parameters you want to search
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Click here to learn how to apply a list filter to the Web Search Site:

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