How can we help?
Web search
- what it is:
When an employee is working, whether they are being truthful, and when they depart from the parameters of their job responsibilities can all be determined by a web search. Additionally, it can warn your business about possible insider threats and hostile attacks.
what it looks like

- why do you use it:
Using OptimusHive software, a web search can easily get tracked, captures, recorded, and also perform any other internet activity by an agent or employee in web browsers, emails, apps, and programs.
- how you do it
Users can see this feature on the left side of the dashboard screen when they click on the Web search option. You can access other options in this feature.

Adding a column filter to Web Search
You can see the column filter to input data by date, Agent User, Department, Website, and Search
What is each of the columns in the list?
Date: Is the date & time the website was searched
Agent User: The agent that performed the actions associated with the Web search
Department: This is the Department the Agent User is assigned to
Website: List of all the websites searched
Search: Searching for a specific website

Click here to learn how to apply a list filter to Web search: