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Task Management

what it is : 

A thorough strategy for locating, following, and completing jobs is termed task management.

  • Task management organizes every task. You can perform multiple actions on any task recorded. It contains the complete record of all tasks performed by you and your team.
  • Like other task activities, this task management can be filtered to show Task case requirements, maintaining task figures, average executors, average transactions, and average duration.
  • Once the filter has been set, the agent can be viewing the filtered data and perform administrative tasks accordingly.

what it looks like :

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why do you use it :

With the Optimus Hive employee monitoring system’s task management feature, you can set deadlines, assign tasks to your team members, and monitor task progress.

how you do it:

This task management in Optimus Hive can be accessed from the left main menu under admin settings.

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How to edit any task:

To view/edit the detailed data related to Task Management or edit the task, you need to click on the Action Optimus Hive Employee Monitoring AZsOfG184w4Y+BeG6gQX7wET3QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== icon

What is each of the FIeld in the list?

  • Task Case: Scenario/task description for each task
  • Figure Refresh Interval? (Days): the time interval to refresh images for the task
  • Screen Video Recording: Recording of the screen while performing tasks.
  • Department: Task associated with the department
  • Change Level: Task priority level.
  • Business Decision Level: Level of authorized business decision priorities.
  • Average Executors: Amount of executions performed while performing tasks.
  • Average Transactions: Amount of activities performed among different team members while completing the task.
  • Average Duration: Average Time required to complete the task.
  • Exception Types: type of errors that might occur while performing tasks.

Example: How to edit the Tasks Management:

Let’s say you want to edit the Correction tasks, where you want to mark the “Require Task Case ID” checkbox checked.

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How to delete the task management rule:

To delete a Rule, you need to click on the Action delete  icon

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How to add a new task in Task Management:

Let’s add a new task “Amazon Listing” from the Main Department where you Disable Screen Recording while keeping Change Level and Business Decision Level high.

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How to update averages:

Click on update average button to update all the task management

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How to add a new filter to activities:

Task management is the administration of every task your team has performed. This administration includes Require Task Case, Maintain Task Figures, Average Executors, Average Transactions, and Average Duration. Moreover, agents can filter the task management data as per their requirements.

What is each of the columns in the list?

  • Description: brief detail about the task
  • Task Case: Scenario for each task
  • Maintain Task Figures: maintaining the images for the task
  • Executors: typical users, tasked with carrying out a task or job that has been delegated to them.
  • Transactions: Activities performed among different team members while completing the task.
  • Duration: Time required to complete the task.
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Click here to learn how to apply a list filter to Task Management:

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