• what it is: This portion of the application allows you to
This tab contains details of workgroups. This allows admin to manage different user groups (like teams, departments, lines of business, functional units etc.) and their corresponding configurations. Admin can also assign one or multiple workgroup(s) mapping with portal users. A user can have one or more multiple workgroup(s) mapped and the data is recorded separately for each workgroup. All the data capture feed configurations are hierarchical in nature. Default top level configurations are at tenant level (each Admin portal deployment caters to one tenant in multi-tenant scenario). These default tenant configurations are overridden by configurations set at Device / Workgroup level, which further can be overridden by individual user level configurations. Default tenant level configurations are provided with the product itself. Followings are the four levels in which configurations can be defined in Discover. 1. Tenant 2. Device 3. Workgroup 4. User When admin user clicks on the ‘Workgroups’, list of already existing workgroups is shown as below
To create a new workgroup: 1. Click on add (+) icon which appears at top right of the screen. User gets a popup screen as below. 2. Enter the Work Group Name in the textbox provided. 3. Click ‘Add’. Once the group is successfully added, the list is visible as shown above. For each workgroup, there is an icon (small 3 horizontal lines icon). By clicking on it, sub menu pops up. First icon is to be used to configure, second to edit workgroup name and third to see the info which shows when and by whom this workgroup was created
Delete workgroup - Single / multiple workgroups can be deleted at the same time. To delete a workgroup: 1. Select the checkbox against the workgroup in the table data grid. 2. Click on delete/ trash icon on top right part of workgroup screen. Confirmation box appears. 3. Click ‘Ok’ to delete. Once the work groups are deleted successfully, success message is displayed as below
To edit workgroup record: 1. Click on the edit icon. Pop up message showing the group name appears. 2. Change the Work Group name. 3. Click Update. On successful updating, success message appear
• what it looks like
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• what it is
This area of the tool allows you to configure the selections that will be available in all of the dropdown fields throughout the Optimus Hive web portal.
• what it looks like:
You will see the similar screenshot image when you click drop down choice tab.
• Why do you use it:
This feature can use to configure the entire available drop down lists items. You can see all the available items of drop down list by click on drop down choice option.
• How you do it:
You can see all the available items in the drop down choice by click on drop down choice option from the dashboard.
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• What it is:
Type of problems employee face during task capturing is called exception. Bugs and error that we do not want to restrict out program is also known as exception. There are different types of exception. Examples are connection problem, file not found etc.
• What it looks like:
• Why do you use it:
Exception can be use to see the error message shown to the user while executing the program. Different error is shown at the time of execution like run time error, null point error etc. We can use this feature to show error message to the user.
• How you do it:
You can see exception feature by clicking on exception type’s option from the dashboard as shown in the screenshot image. A user can add, update or remove new exception types from the top left side of the window. You can also use filter to see exception types in different orders alphabetically, default or by custom order.
To edit the displayed text that will be visible in the dropdown choice, click the edit button to the far-right side of the row that you wish to modify.
Once you have modified the displayed text in the Description field, click the Save exception type button at the bottom of the screen.
Click in the Description field and type in the name of the new exception type and click the Save exception button.
There are two options to sort values of exception type. If user wants to show values in alphabetically, then click on alphabetical button from right side of the screen as shown in below image.
If user wants to show values in custom order, then click on alphabetical button from right side of the screen as shown in below image.
If user would like to select default values then click on As default option button to select default values as mentioned in below image.
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This area of the tool allows the company administrator to define the company’s financial period for reporting purposes. This feature is especially useful if the company will be using the Activity Capture or Task Capture features for client billing as it allows you to associate the captured data to a specific client or project and ensures billing accuracy.
To edit an existing financial period record, click the edit icon at the far-right side of the record you wish to edit. To edit the name of the Financial Period, click in the description box and make the desired changes. To edit the Start or End date of the financial period, click in the Date Range box and you will be presented with a calendar to select the Start and End date.
Once you have finished editing the Start and End date, click the Apply button. Once all changes have been completed, click the Save Financial Period button.
To add a new Financial Period, click the Add New Financial Period button from the Financial Periods landing page. Enter the Financial Period name in the Description field then click in the Date Range field to get the calendar to choose the Start and End dates for this financial period. Once you have selected the Start and End dates, click the Apply button to save the date range then click the Save Financial Period button to save the new financial period.
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• what it is: This portion of the application allows you to
• what it looks like
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• what it is: This portion of the application allows you to
• what it looks like
• why do you use it
• how you do it
• special notes
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This area of the tool allows the company administrator to map the application name captured by the Optimus Hive agents to the application name captured by the Optimus Hive Application Inventory feature.
The Display Name field shows the name of the application captured during the application inventory. This is the application name you would see in the Add/Remove Programs menu on the computer. The Publisher field shows the application vendor captured during the inventory and is also the application creator you would see in the Add/Remove Programs menu on the computer. The Application field shows the name of the application that is captured by the agents installed on the various machines within the company’s network while recording the activities on a computer. This mapping only needs to be done once for each application and it is not necessary to repeat this step for each agent.
This screen is broken down into two tabs:
• The Linked Applications tab will show you the list of applications where the linkage has already been completed. To edit the mapping for an application on this tab, click the Action button on the far-right side of the row you need to edit.
To change the mapping, remove the text in the Application field and start typing the name of the application you want to map. As you type, Optimus Hive will begin displaying a list of application names logged during activity capture.
Once the application name you want to map is visible in the list, click the application name to select it and click the Save Application button.
• The Unlinked Applications tab will show you the list of applications discovered by the Application Inventory feature that have yet to be mapped to an application captured by the Activity Capture feature. If you know the name of the application you need to map, you can use the search box to narrow down the list of unlinked applications. Once you see the application, click the Actions button on the far-right side of the row you wish to map.
To map the application name discovered by the Application Inventory feature, start typing the name of the application you want to map. As you type, Optimus Hive will begin displaying a list of application names logged during activity capture. Once the application name you want to map is visible in the list, click the application name to select it and click the Save Application button.
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