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Portal User

What it is?

The portal agents are the users responsible for performing multiple tasks assigned through a portal. Each user can further filter into  Email, Login, User Display Name, Role, and Department.

what it looks like :

Optimus Hive Employee Monitoring portal

why do you use it :

The ‘Portal Users’ tab contains a navigation link to the Portal Users’ page. It allows the admin to manage the users who have access to the Optimus Hive portal. By clicking on the ‘Portal Users’ tab, a list of already existing portal users is shown in a standard pagination format.

how you do it:

The portal agent can be accessed from the left main menu under admin settings.

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How to add the new portal agent:

Fill out the form and add a new portal user.

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How to reset the portal agent user password:

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How to edit the portal agent user:

Editing the Portal user helps the admin update the portal’s record. You can edit numerous fields that include:

What is each of the Field in the list?

  • User Display Name: Portal User’s display name on Optimus Hive software
  • Login: account to Login on Optimus Hive software
  • First Name: First name of the user
  • Last Name: Last name of the user
  • Mobile: User’s contact number
  • Email: Portal User’s email address
  • Role: Key responsibility
  • Department: department associated with Portal Agent

Example: How to edit the Portal user:

Let’s say you want to edit the portal user’s department “Team 1”. You need to follow these steps.

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How to delete the agent user:

You can delete each agent user by clicking on the “delete” icon in the action tab for each agent.

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How to add a new filter:

  • The portal agent performs each task. You can perform multiple actions on such portal agents. It contains the complete record of all agents working in the portal for different departments and teams.
  • This agent can be filtered to show Email, Login, User Display Name, Role, and Department.

What is each of the columns in the list?

  • User Display Name: Portal User’s display name on Optimus Hive software
  • Login: account to Login on Optimus Hive software
  • Email: Portal User’s email address
  • Role: Key responsibility
  • Department: department associated with Portal Agent
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