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2. Next Steps

Understand what Optimus Hive IS and IS NOT

How to get started

It takes less than 15 mins to get the first agent up and running and less than 2 mins thereafter.

  1. Sign Up
  2. Setup your businesses account
  3. Download the Monitoring Agent software
  4. Install the software on all the devices to be monitored (limited by licenses)
  5. Setup your Privacy & Security features for each department/team breakdown
  6. Assign agents to their assigned department/team
  7. Start reviewing the sightful information the solution provides

Additional setup Items (optional)

  1. Add department/team leaders to the Hive so they can see their own department/team results
  2. Allow a user to see the data the system collected
  3. Align Websites & Applications to your business categories
  4. Setup Tasks you  want to measure and track
  5. Flag Websites & Applications you pay for so you can see if your agents are using them
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